Posts by Nick Moir (Page 4)

Questioning Faith

      Nick will be repeating his series of talks and discussions, on four Mondays beginning on 14 January, at St Andrew’s Hall (room 1), 7.45-9.15pm.  The four weeks will cover: The sea of faith—has the tide gone out? The question of suffering—can we believe in a loving God? In what sense may Jesus be the way to God? What should we believe…

Week of Prayer

We are having a Week of Prayer  in the week 24-30 November, leading up to St Andrew’s Day.  There will be three parts of the week: The church will be open all week and there will be a prayer net held out by our statue of St Andrew – come and add your prayer to it. During the first part of the…

Questioning Faith

This autumn’s calendar includes a number of events for those questioning the whole area of faith and, in particular, faith in the God of Christianity.  Richard Holloway, a former Bishop of Edinburgh, has publicly articulated  his rethinking about his own faith: Nick Moir will be speaking about this at the 10am service on Sunday 23 September under the title ‘Losing my religion’: Richard Holloway,…

Happy Birthday, Mr Punch

Wednesday 9 May is the 350th birthday of Mr Punch. At 7.30pm for 8pm in the Hall, Nick will be telling the story of Mr Punch’s first appearance 350 years ago, and explains why St Andrew’s has a painting of him dated 200 years earlier. Tickets £5 from the parish office or the Hall (in aid of the development fund) – or…

Annual meeting – 22 April

The church’s annual meeting will be taking place on the morning of Sunday 22 April.  During the 10am service we will be reflecting back on the year past; at 11.30am we will gather for the election of churchwardens and then the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, during which we will receive the accounts for 2011 and elect representatives to the church council. The full annual report, accounts…

Concert on 20 April

The Orchestre d’Harmonie  du Cap Lihou will be visiting St Andrew’s for a concert on Friday 20 April at 7.45pm.  It will include ballet music by Manuel de Falla, Leo Delibes  and Dmitri Shostakovich as well as film score music by Vangelis and John Williams.  Tickets are £10 (£7 concessions), available from the parish office ( or the Hall.