A pilot edition of a community newsletter for Chesterton will be distributed around households in the next week or two. You can read an electronic version here. Chesterton News has been produced by a group of community and church representatives and will go out to all in the wards of East and West Chesterton. So there will be no Chesterton Chimes this month – church info is incorporated…
…is the subject of an open meeting in St Andrew’s Hall on Thursday 27 October. Ruth Boogert of Wintercomfort (and the organiser of the new food4food community café) will be speaking and leading our thinking on how to create positive change in our local community. Come along for a glass of wine at 7.30pm.
Nick Moir, vicar of St Andrew’s, preached on the subject of the recent riots and looting. He said: ‘In these past days there have been many theories as to why now this has happened: the police handling of a particular incident, the current economic uncertainties, decreased social mobility and an underclass that can see no way out, the silly season of summer…
Our main Easter service is at 10am on Easter Day – come armed with something (e.g. a bell, whistle, shaker, rattle, trumpet) that will make a joyful (though not exactly rehearsed) noise. The children will be helping to decorate the Easter garden on Holy Saturday at 2pm (bring flowers and jam jars). There is a also a craft session after the all-age…
This year’s financial summary and budget is available here. Each year we ask church members to review their giving in the light of both the needs of St Andrew’s and their own financial circumstances – and to do so prayerfully and in the light of the principles of Christian stewardship. There is a response form for everyone and also a GiftAid/standing order…