Week of Prayer

We are having a Week of Prayer  in the week 24-30 November, leading up to St Andrew’s Day.  There will be three parts of the week:

  1. The church will be open all week and there will be a prayer net held out by our statue of St Andrew – come and add your prayer to it.
  2. During the first part of the week there will be prayer triplets.  Contact John Reynolds (jr23@cam.ac.uk) to be put in touch with two prayer companions.  All we are asking you to do is get together once to pray for 45 minutes.
  3. There will be a day of prayer on the Thursday evening (9pm to midnight) and into Friday (6am to 6pm).  Come into the chancel and spend an hour in prayer.  This will not be with anyone else necessarily (though we will ensure that no-one is left on the own in the dark hours) and is not intended for prayer ‘out loud’.  The chancel will be decorated and full of helps to prayer – things to read, see, hear, touch and smell – and with tips on how to use the time.  To fill a slot please look at the following link to see where the gaps are (we want at least one person per hour):
    Then email Nick (vicar@standrews-chesterton.org) saying what time you can do and he will add you to the list.