Minims choir information can be found in our Music section. Information about our group for under 5s can be found in our Church Mice section. Activities for school years 7 upwards (ages 11-18) are detailed in our Youth section.
St Andrew’s has a Safeguarding Policy which is actively applied and monitored. Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Linda Holmes.
Families and Junior Church
A warm welcome to all children and their families, carers and friends!
At St Andrew’s, we aim to have something to involve the children at every 10am Sunday service – be it in the church building or the nearby St Andrew’s Hall.
Our Family Services and All-Age Communions in the church building take place on 1st and 3rd Sundays respectively. Here you will find an area set aside especially for younger children, with story books, colouring and some quiet toys. Pews are arranged so that parents and carers can sit and easily watch their children. Older children may collect colouring from here to take back to their seats, though they are often eager to help out at the front of church during the talk!
On 2nd Sundays at 10am, children meet in age-appropriate groups in St Andrew’s Hall. Children up to and including Reception age are part of the ‘Rainbows’ group (and their parents or carers stay with them). School years 1-3 are in ‘Wonderers’ and school years 4-6 are in ‘Seekers’. The ‘Why’ Group, for school years 7-13, is run by our Youth Worker at the same time as Junior Church.
On 4th Sundays at 10am, we have a ‘Café Church’, also in St Andrew’s Hall. This is an informal service around tables for Children and Families with refreshments, songs, a story, prayers and time to wonder, create and chat together.
Please see the Chesterton Chimes for more information and dates, including special services around Christmas or Easter. Alternatively contact our Junior Church Co-ordinator Julia Eisen, (for ages 0-11), or our Youth Worker Jess Bent (for ages 11-18).