Flower Group
Flower arrangements in the Church are provided by the Flower Group, which meets monthly on Friday afternoons. Our aim is to enhance the beauty of the church building by ensuring fresh flowers are regularly in place which reflect the church’s year. A themed Flower Festival has often coincided with the Chesterton Festival. Experienced and novice flower arrangers are always welcome.
Contact Linda Marsh.
Churchyard Working Group
The churchyard group organise working parties in the churchyard on the 3rd Saturday of each month from 09:30am to 12:30pm and are always happy for new volunteers to join them. See Churchyard working parties for more details and some photos of recent work.
Contact Maggie Fernie
Umbrella Group
This group, social, ecumenical and eclectic, meets monthly in members’ homes, usually on a Thursday evening. It is open to all.
Contact Pat Reed (tel. 01954 202746).
Sunday Lunch Club
Meets in St Andrews Hall on the 1st Sunday of the month. It is for older people who would otherwise be eating alone. New members and helpers welcome.
Contact Sheila Merrick (tel. 510456).
Drop-in Coffee Morning
Every Monday (except bank holidays), 10.15–11.30 am in St Andrew’s Hall. A time to chat, relax and make new friends, open to everyone.
Contact Jean Jackson (tel. 364625).
Friends of St Andrew’s
The Friends take a particular interest in the church fabric and furnishings. Membership is open to all. For more information, please read the message from the chairman.
Contact John Reynolds.
Sunday Assistants
There are a number of jobs which contribute to our Sunday worship, and there is always a role for anyone who would like to help. These include:
- Being a sidesperson, distributing books and guiding people to their seats.
- Leading Intercessions in the 10.00 am service.
- Reading the Old and New Testament lessons at morning and evening worship and, from time to time, the Gospel.
- Organising coffee and refreshments after the 10.00 am service.
Contact Patricia Abrey (tel. 425915).