We hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year with friends and family.
At St Andrew’s, 2025 starts with two Epiphany services on 5th January. The first is a Family service followed by a short communion at 10 am, and the second is an Epiphany Procession at 5:30 pm. On the 12th, there will be Sung Eucharist in church and Junior Church groups (including WHY Group) in St Andrew’s Hall at 10 am. The following week (19th January), there will be an All-Age service in the morning (10 am) and a Contemplative service in the evening (5:30 pm). We will be finishing the month with Parish Communion (in church) and Cafe Church (in St Andrew’s Hall) at 10 am.
As is our practice, each Sunday will begin with an 8:00 am Holy Communion service from the Book of Common Prayer.
Everyone is very welcome to join us at any of our services. We look forward to worshiping with you.
For more information about each of our services follow this link: https://standrews-chesterton.org/services/