With January drawing to a close, the shortest month of the year is set to begin. Each Sunday this month will begin with an 8 am Holy Communion (BCP) in church. There will also be two evening services this month — Choral Evensong on the 2nd at 5:30 pm and a Contemplative Service on the 16th at 5:30 pm. Both services will be in church.
As for our 10 am services, we will follow our usual monthly pattern. On the first Sunday (2 Feb), there will be a Family Service with refreshments in church followed by a Short Communion. On the second Sunday (9 Feb), Junior Church groups will be in St Andrew’s Hall while Sung Eucharist happens in church, followed by refreshments in the hall. On the third Sunday (16 Feb), we will all be back in church together for our All-Age Communion (refreshments will be in the hall). Finally, on the fourth Sunday (23 Feb), there will be Parish Communion in church and Cafe Church in St Andrew’s Hall followed by refreshments in the hall.
Everyone is very welcome to join us at any of our services. We look forward to worshiping with you.

For more information about each of our services follow this link: https://standrews-chesterton.org/services/