#LiveLent: Care for God’s Creation is the Church of England’s Lent Campaign for 2020. It has been inspired and informed by the Archbishop of Canterbury’s 2020 Lent Book, Saying Yes to Life by Ruth Valerio (SPCK). #Live Lent: Care for God’s Creation will help broaden your view of Christ’s redeeming mission – a mission Christians are called to share. With weekly themes and prayers shaped around the first Genesis account of creation, it explores the urgent need for humans to value and protect the abundance God has created. Copies of the book can be ordered online (e.g. Church House Bookshop) – but it is also available as an Android or Apple app. The Adults’ Edition offers a daily Bible reading, a short reflection and an action to help you live in greater harmony with God, neighbour and nature. The Kids’ edition provides a daily challenge to honour and treasure the earth, weekly short prayers and Bible readings on creation themes. https://www.churchofengland.org/our-faith/living-out-our-faith/lent-holy-week-and-easter/livelent-care-gods-creation