Lent Groups

Our Lent groups will this year be following a course called ‘The Joy of the Gospel’. Written by Paula Gooder, it is a six-week study course on sharing faith. Here’s what the blurb says: ‘In The Joy of the Gospel, Paula Gooder opens up Pope Francis’ inspiring and acclaimed reflections on sharing the love of God. Published as Evangelii Gaudium… it is widely recognised as being full of realistic wisdom and infectious enthusiasm for reaching out to others with the enduring joy that comes from a personal encounter with Christ.’ Groups—beginning in the first week of March—will run on Tuesday mornings and Tuesday and Thursday evenings as follows:
Tuesdays, 10.30am, fortnightly in the Hall on 3, 17, 31 March, 14, 28 April & 12 May John Reynolds 01223 249591 reynolds.4@btinternet.com
Tuesdays, 7.45pm, weekly, at 20 Pakenham Close Sharon Neufeld 07853 172634 sharon.neufeld@gmail.com
Thursdays, 7.30pm, fortnightly at 71 Humberstone Road Kathleen Jowitt 01223 529268 kafjowitt@gmail.com
The fortnightly groups will, of course, be meeting beyond Lent and so should properly be called Lent & Easter Groups! Copies of the book (at a special price of £5!) are obtainable from the Hall office.