Exploring Generosity is a family activity sticker book exploring 12 Bible passages and encouraging family members of all-ages to take the 40acts generosity challenge. Each activity has:
- a creative way for you to read a Bible passage together as a family
- something for children under 5
- something Extra for old children and adults
- open-ended questions to consider how the passage inspires your generosity
- a way to use the 200+ stickers
- an idea to help you think, chat or pray together
- a link to the 40acts Generosity Challenge Family Wallchart which you can pull-out from the centre
If you are looking for a way to do Lent together as a family, this is a brilliant new resource! Copies are available for £2.50 each from Maggie Tate (Youth Worker). More information can be found at: http://www.40acts.org.uk/