Lent groups start this week. We will be studying the Pilgrim course material on the Eucharist (Holy Communion) – alongside a sermon series at 10am. Sign up sheets are available at the back of church. Groups will take place on Tuesday mornings and Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings. They will run for 4 weeks starting in the week beginning 22nd February and resume for 2 weeks during April.
Groups will run as follows: Mondays, 7.45-9.45pm, at 20 Pakenham Close, led by Nigel Elliott & Bridget Baguley
Tuesdays, 10.15-11.45am, at the Vicarage (10 Lynfield Lane), led by Morten Grindvoll & Helen Orr
Tuesdays, 8.00-9.30pm, at 17 Sherlock Road, led by Helen Druiff and others
Thursdays, 7.45-9.45pm, at the Vicarage (10 Lynfield Lane), led by Julia Eisen & Nick Moir
There are still places available for the Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evening groups. Please email linda.stollwerck@standrews-chesterton.org if you would like to book a place.