Does God Exist?

Yes? No? Probably?

Why not do the Alpha course at St Andrew’s?

  • Are you interested in exploring the Christian faith?
  • Do you have a faith already, but fancy a ‘spiritual MOT’?
  • Have you already done an Alpha course, but want to come back for a refresher?
  • Can you think of someone to invite to the course?

Where: St Andrew’s Hall
When: Wednesdays, starting 30 September and ending on 2 December. Meal included!

The course costs nothing and requires no previous experience or faith-commitment. If you want to find out more, or to book a place, please contact Alasdair Coles, 01638-743434, or

If you want an informal chat with someone who has already done the course, please speak to George Kendall, Maggie Fernie, Dorothy Peyton-Jones, Nick Moir, or Peter & Margaret Robins.