Posts by Linda Stollwerck Boulton (Page 6)


The online collection for Christian Aid Week has yielded a total of £1,185 so far. Gift Aid at 25% will be added to many of the individual donations. The total exceeds what we collected last year door-to-door. Thank you so much for your generosity at this difficult time.Ian Nimmo-Smith

Connor’s fundraising staircase walk

This bank holiday Monday, Connor will be fundraising in aid of Youth for Christ. Youth for Christ aim to walk the distances of Everest, Mont Blanc and Kilimanjaro from the confines of their own homes. Connor himself will be walking for the entire duration of the Lord of the Rings trilogy on his staircase. Follow…

Kitchen assistant volunteers required

Kitchen assistant volunteers required! – on Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings from 10am to 1pm working at St Andrew’s Street Baptist Church. You will be working as part of a team preparing food which is being delivered to the homeless based at hotels and hostels across the city. The role will involve preparing bags of…

Improving accessibility

Though our doors are closed at the moment, we’re thinking about how to make St Andrew’s more accessible when we re-open. Would you be interested in being part of a small group to explore how we might help people with disabilities feel welcome and participate in our services? We will guide our conversations with a…

Azul Wasi in Lockdown

Azul Wasi is in lockdown.  Peru has closed its borders and issued a State of Emergency, and so Azul Wasi is now in lockdown.  The level of hygiene that is necessary, and educating their wide range of ages with such limited supplies will be challenging. It is also not known how the virus impacts at…