Just like that November comes to an end and the wonderful time of Advent is almost here. As is our practice, each Sunday this month begins with an 8:00 am Holy Communion service from the Book of Common Prayer.
Continuing our St Andrew’s Day Weekend festivities, at 10:00 am on the 1st there will be a Family Service followed by a Short Communion at 11:15 am. At 5:30 pm, we will end our celebrations with a Choral Service.
On the 8th there will be a Sung Eucharist service and Junior Church groups at 10:00 am. The following week (15th) there will be an All-Age Communion service at 10:00 am followed by our annual Christingle service at 4 pm. On the 22nd (the last Sunday before Christmas!) our All-Age Communion at 10:00 am will be a nativity service – come along dressed as your favourite nativity character!
On Monday (23rd) there will be a Midday Communion at 12 pm followed by a 3 pm Crib Service – perfect for little ones and their families.
Christmas celebrations start on Christmas Eve at 6:30 pm with our annual Nine Lessons and Carols service. This year, our Youth Choir will be joining in with the St Andrew’s Choir to lead us in music. Then, later, at 11:30 pm there will be a Midnight Eucharist to ring in Christmas Day. Speaking of which, on Christmas morning there will be an 8 am Communion service (BCP) followed by a 10 am All-Age Communion where we can celebrate the birth of Jesus together.
We will finish the month with an All-Age Communion on the 29th.
Everyone is very welcome to join us at any of our services. We look forward to worshiping with you.
For more information about each of our services follow this link: https://standrews-chesterton.org/services/