Annual Parochial Church Meeting

On Sunday, 12 May, St Andrew’s, Chesterton, will be holding its Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) following the Sunday service. All are welcome to attend!

During coffee before the meeting, there will be an opportunity to reflect and give feedback on some questions exploring what we think and feel about St Andrew’s. This time together reflecting is part of an ongoing process lead by the Communications Committee to develop what we show and tell about St Andrew’s through our media, posters, website, printed material etc.

The APCM is an opportunity to hear about what’s happening in our church this year. For those who are on the Parish’s electoral roll, it also presents the opportunity to vote for the new Church Wardens and Parochial Church Council (PCC).

Following the APCM, there will be a bring-and-share lunch – the perfect way to start a new PCC year!