Azul Wasi Virtual Pudding and Wine Evening – Sunday 13th December, 8pm.

Many of us have missed chatting to people during coffee in the hall after Sunday morning services. You might also remember the shared meal we had via Zoom on Maundy Thursday when we enjoyed conversations with small groups of people while we ate our Passover meals in our homes.

Under normal circumstances we might have been inviting you to our house to share in delicious puddings and wine/fruit juice. We have had a number of such evenings in the past to raise money for the fund from which we send £775 a month for the food at Azul Wasi in Cusco, Peru. These evenings have always been a great opportunity to catch up with friends from St Andrews and to meet other supporters of the project as well as enjoy nice food.

We would like to invite you to join us online for a Virtual Pudding and Wine Evening.

Obviously the pudding and wine won’t be virtual – you can enjoy your own pudding and a glass of something while you chat in small groups with others, before moving to another ‘room’ to chat to a different group of people. If you would like to join us for this sociable evening, with a brief update on life at Azul Wasi, you will find the link on the church website with the list of services for 13th December, or join here. Please don’t feel you have to donate to take part, but if you feel you would like to help keep the fund topped up, you can donate via the church website:

Chris and Mary Pountain