Christmas & Epiphany at St Andrew’s: Sunday 15 December: 4.00pm Christingle & Family Carols, followed by refreshments & crafts in the Hall; Thursday 19 December: 6.30pm Community Carols in the churchyard; indoors if the weather is bad; 7.30pm ‘Festive Show’: High Wired Circus perform their Christmas show. Sunday 22 December: 10.00am Family Service & Nativity. Tuesday 24 December, Christmas Eve: 4.00pm Crib Service (with younger children in mind); 6.30pm Nine Lessons & Carols (not suitable for young children); 11.30pm Midnight Eucharist. Wednesday 25 December, Christmas Day: 8.00am Holy Communion; 10.00am All-age Communion. Monday 6 January, Epiphany: 7.30pm Epiphany Service & Procession |