Our Good Friday observances begin with an All-age service at Chesterton Methodist Church (corner of Scotland Road/Ashfield Road, Green End Lane), 11am, followed by hot cross buns; there will be a short act or worship and witness at 12 noon outside the Methodists followed by a Procession of the Cross back to St Andrew’s, where there will be Family Worship at 12.30pm, a Silent Hour at 1pm and the Last Hour (hymns, readings and reflections) at 2pm.
This year the Lighting of the New Fire, Vigil and First Eucharist of Easter will be on Saturday evening at 8pm (this service will last over 2 hours).
On Easter Day, there will be Holy Communion (BCP) at 8am, All-age Communion (followed by Easter egg hunt) at 10am, and Evensong at 6.30pm.