Christianity is a lifelong journey and commitment, and some of its stages are marked by special services and celebrations. To arrange baptisms, weddings or funerals please contact Jess Bent. For other services, or if you have a different need, please contact the clergy.
Baptisms (Christenings)
We are happy to baptise (christen) children who live in the parish. We meet with the parents and godparents before the baptism to discuss the Christian upbringing of children, and the meaning of the baptism service. Children are baptised on the basis of their parents’ commitment to live as Christians, and on the understanding that parents and children will come regularly to church. Older baptism candidates are also welcome, and we make special arrangements for their preparation.
Communion Preparation
The parish welcomes the admission of children to communion. Children (usually in Year 4 or above) are invited to join communion preparation classes early in the year, and are admitted to receive communion at Pentecost (Whitsun). A very high degree of commitment to the preparation process is required.
Confirmation preparation
We are always pleased to prepare people for confirmation, and believe that it is never too late to be confirmed. If you feel that the time has come to make your permanent commitment to live the Christian life, then please contact the clergy.
We are happy to marry any couple where either or both people are living in the parish. Recent legislation now permits us to conduct marriages where there is a strong personal connection with the parish (e.g. you have lived here for more than six months, were baptised here or your parents/grandparents were married here). Please check with the vicar about this. It is sometimes possible for divorced people to be remarried but couples should be in touch with the vicar before making any plans.
House Blessings
Moving into a new house is a big event in life. If you would like a house blessing as part of your housewarming party, please contact the clergy.
Home Communion
Communion services are held regularly in our local residential and nursing homes. We also visit those who wish to receive communion at home and are not able to come to church. If you are in this position, or if you know of a member of the church who is, please contact the clergy.
Members of the Ministry Team are always willing to conduct funerals for members of the congregation, or people who were living in the parish. The arrangements are usually made through the undertaker. We are very happy to discuss funeral arrangements well in advance of the event. We are always available to pray with the sick and the dying, and ask families to remember the peace that this can bring after a lifetime of Christian living.