Palm Sunday, 25 March
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
10.00am Procession of Palms & Parish Communion/Junior Church (beginning in the churchyard)
5.30pm A Meditation on the Passion (music & readings)
Maundy Thursday, 29 March
6.30pm Last Supper, Communion & Watch
Please sign up for food at the back of church or let Kathryn Waite know
Good Friday, 30 March
10.30am Prayer Stations at St George’s Church
followed by Procession of Witness to Chesterton Methodist Church
11.20am Drinks & hot cross buns at Chesterton Methodist Church
11.50am Outdoor service & Procession to St Andrew’s
12.20pm All-age worship
followed by crafts and refreshments for all ages in the Hall
1.15pm Quiet period
2.00pm The Last Hour (Readings & Prayers)
Easter Eve, 31 March
10.00am Making the Easter garden
8.00pm Lighting of the New Fire & Easter Vigil
Easter Day, 1 April
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
10.00am All-Age Communion
5.30pm Choral Evensong