Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The annual meeting is being held in church on Sunday 17 April, after the main service. We will be electing six new members of the Parochial Church Council (PCC), as well as receiving reports about the life of St Andrew’s during the past year, the work of the Deanery Synod, our church building, St Andrew’s Hall and our finances. Do come along to reflect on all that we have achieved this past year and celebrate its highlights. During the coming year, we will be revisiting the church’s Mission Action Plan in light of the new diocesan vision and will be considering what God is calling us to in the years that lie ahead.

Would you be interested in standing as a new member of the PCC? You need to be on the church’s electoral roll.  Forms are available in church. Do speak to Nick or one of the churchwardens if you would like to find out more.