What is mission?
Mission is often defined as ‘finding out what God is doing in the world and getting involved’.
Why do we give?
We recognise that giving to others is fundamentally our response to God’s giving to us, most notably in the person and work of Jesus Christ. We are called to give willingly and cheerfully, according to our means (see 2 Corinthians, chapters 8 and 9).
The Mission and Giving Group
The Mission and Giving Group is a sub-committee of the Parochial Church Council (PCC) that plans and coordinates our giving as a church to Christian work and other charitable causes. We meet 3 times a year to monitor existing church commitments, to plan Giving Days (November/ May), and to arrange speakers/materials etc. Current group members are: Sharon Neufeld (chair), Helen Druiff, Quentin Harmer, Andrew Lea, Gavin Stark and Linda Stollwerck Boulton.
How do we plan our giving?
We use the five ‘marks of mission’ of the worldwide Anglican church to guide our decisions about priorities for giving and to ensure a balance in our commitment to various aspects of mission:
- To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
- To teach, baptize and nurture new believers
- To respond to human need by loving service
- To seek to transform unjust structures of society
- To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the earth
How do we choose which organizations to support?
St Andrew’s supports a number of organisations with a regular commitment, as well as making one-off donations to others. The recipient of donations made at the twice yearly Giving Days are chosen with the 5 marks of mission in mind, one being a local or UK organisation and the other reflecting our concern for the needs of those in other countries.
Regular donations are currently made to:
Winter Comfort, Cambridge www.wintercomfort.org.uk
This is a local charity supporting the homeless through the provision of basic amenities and a range of services. We donate funds for the weekly purchase of fresh fruit and vegetables for the guests.
Romsey Mill, Cambridge www.romseymill.org
This is a Cambridge-based charity working with some of the most disadvantaged young people and families in the local area. We help support their work with young people in the North Cambridge area by supporting a Youth Outreach worker .
Azul Wasi (The Blue House) www.standrews-chesterton.org/azulwasi
This is a project in Cusco, Peru, which St Andrew’s has supported since its beginning in 2005, initially helping to build a home for boys who were at risk. Since 2009 we have supported the 12 boys who live there as a family, by sending a regular donation for the food costs. The boys attend the local school and learn many practical skills at Azul Wasi, which will help them gain confidence and independence in the future.
Church Mission Society www.churchmissionsociety.org
Church Mission Society’s vision is to see all God’s people engaged in God’s mission, bringing challenge, change, hope and freedom to the world. CMS has people in 40 countries across Africa, Asia, South America, the Middle East, Europe and the UK. Some have been sent from Britain and Europe, some have been sent by their local church in partnership with CMS, some through sister societies CMS-Africa and Asia CMS. St Andrew’s supports a project providing Bible translations in the Middle East.
Unseen UK www.unseenuk.org
Unseen work with government, police, social services and other charities to provide services to assist survivors of slavery in the UK. Unseen operates the UK’s national Modern Slavery Helpline: 08000 121 700 and delivers specialist 24-hour safe-houses and outreach services to help survivors rebuild their lives. A service for children is currently being developed to provide highly specialist accommodation and care services to give trafficked children the support they need.
Jimmy’s Night Shelter www.jimmyscambridge.org.uk
Donations of food and other items from the annual harvest service are given to Jimmy’s, working with the local Community, Volunteers and Partner agencies to deliver 24/7 emergency accommodation and supported housing for those who would otherwise be homeless or vulnerably housed.
Organisations we support annually through Fund Raising
Christian Aid www.christianaid.org.uk
A Christian charity fighting global poverty. Every year St Andrew’s raises funds for Christian Aid during Christian Aid week through fundraising events and distributing/collecting gift envelopes or e-envelopes.
The Children’s Society www.childrenssociety.org.uk
The Children’s Society provides specialist support that empowers young people to make positive changes and rediscover their hope. Every Year St Andrew’s holds a Christingle service which raises funds for The Children’s Society.
Organisations we have supported through one-off donations or Giving Days
As well as our regular commitments, we also make one-off donations to various good causes. Recently, these have included:
The Besom Cambridge www.thebesomincambridge.org
Exists for members of churches in Cambridgeshire to connect with those in need and see transformation in those who give and receive.
Cambridge Churches Homeless Project www.cchp.org.uk
(set up by Jon Canessa) A collection of churches and a synagogue that work together to offer practical care and support to people who would otherwise be sleeping rough in Cambridge each winter.
Cambridge Money Advice Centre www.cambridgemoneyadvicecentre.org.uk
Supporting those struggling with debt
Cambridge Street Pastors www.cambridgestreetpastors.org.uk
Drawn from local Christian churches, Street Pastor volunteers patrol the streets in the centre of Cambridge from 10pm to 4am each Friday and Saturday night to help any in difficulty without judgement or discrimination.
Casa Mantay www.laffcharity.org.uk/partners/casa-mantay
A safe house that provides shelter, food, and education for adolescent mothers in Peru
Christian Blind Mission www.cbmuk.org.uk
CBM works in the world’s poorest places to prevent blindness, improve health and transform the lives of people with disabilities.
Cogwheel Counselling www.cogwheel.org.uk
Providing affordable counselling to those in Cambridgeshire who most need it
Disasters Emergency Committee Coronavirus Appeal www.dec.org.uk
Helping vulnerable communities survive the pandemic, as new variants of Covid-19 threaten to overwhelm health systems and cost many lives around the world.
Fusion UK www.fusionmovement.org
Connecting University students to local churches; supporting student ministry
Homeless Food Project at St Andrew’s Street Cambridge which has been helping provide for the daily meals of the 100+ homeless people in Cambridge currently in hotels and hostels.
It Takes A City Homelessness Partnership www.ittakesacity.org.uk
Aims to end rough sleeping in Cambridge due to homelessness. Since April 2020 they have been leading a large programme with many partners providing daily meals and support to all the rough sleepers given a place to stay by the Council under “Everybody In”
Macmillan Cancer Support www.macmillan.org.uk
Here to help, if you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with cancer.
Mydel School Uganda
Takes on children from several areas in the Ugandan capital Kampala, that would not normally have the opportunity of an education.
Refugee Support at Katsikas camp in northern Greece
Restored UK www.restored-uk.org
Working to transform relationships and end violence against women
Tear Fund www.tearfund.org
A Christian charity that partners with churches in more than 50 of the world’s poorest countries. We tackle poverty through sustainable development, responding to disasters, and challenging injustice. We believe an end to extreme poverty is possible.
The Rowan Foundation www.rowanhumberstone.co.uk
arts centre providing support and activities for people with learning disabilities in Cambridge
Traidcraft Exchange traidcraftexchange.org
The partner charity of Traidcraft, the fair trade company. We bring people together to fight injustice in trade.
Youth For Christ yfc.co.uk
Locally focused, locally driven outreach projects where churches work together to take the Good News of Jesus to young people in their communities.
Women’s Education Partnership womenseducationpartnership.org
Improving the lives of marginalised women and children in Sudan
Information updates
There is a display on the noticeboard in the south aisle showing details of the projects we currently support.