A history of St Andrew’s in 100 objects

A series of sermons in 2010/11 leading up to the Chesterton Festival explored the history of our parish church through a number of its objects (shamelessly stealing the idea from the BBC series).  Here are the 24 that were covered (re-numbered chronologically).  The other 76 may take a while to follow…

1. Portrait of Cardinal Guala

2. The font

3. Coffin lid

4. The lost saint

5. The prayer niche

6. Pew ends

7. Chesterton Tower

8. Rood screen fragment

9. The stoup

10. Madonna fragment

11. The doom

12. Communion rail panel

13. Charity Board

14. Communion cup & flagon

15. Vassa monument

16. The Mansel window

17. Tithe map

18.The organ

19. The Smedley window

20. The Perry Window

21. The Wragg window

22. The war memorial

23. The Johnson memorial

24. Two chalices