News (Page 49)

Garden Party at the Vicarage (Saturday, 16th August)

There will be a Garden Part at the Vicarage on Saturday 16th August, from 5pm-7pm in aid of the Blue House. Refreshments will include Pimms and strawberries, and there will be games for children. Please buy or reserve a ticket from Margaret at the Parish office (303469). Tickets are priced at £7 for adults, £5 for children over 10 and free for…

The Drama of the Passion

There will be plenty of opportunities to explore the drama of the last days of Jesus’ earthly life over Holy Week and Easter. BBC ONE is broadcasting its own new take on The Passion; Cambridge has its own Passion Play on Christ’s Pieces at 12 noon on Holy Saturday (22nd March), and many of the services at St Andrew’s will have their…

Response to the Archbishop’s comments on Sharia law

Prof John Bell, of the Council of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, was kind enough to make some observations on the Archbishop’s recent comments about Sharia law: Having read Rowan Williams’ lecture, it is very much as I thought. He is engaging with a long-standing body of mainstream legal and socio-political writing that has been reflecting on models of social…