Posts by Linda Stollwerck Boulton (Page 15)

Summer Service Pattern

10.00am services during August 2018 5 August: All-age Communion; 12 August: Family Service, followed by Short Communion at 11.00am; 19 August: All-age Communion; 26 August:Family Service, followed by Short Communion at 11.00am; 5.30pm services during August 2018 5 August: United Taizé Service (at St George’s, 6.30pm); 12 August: Quiet Communion; 19 August: Informal service (with worship…

Volunteer guides needed for exhibition by Christian sculptor Liviu Mocan

Volunteer guides needed: Jubilee Centre has commissioned an exhibition by the eminent Christian sculptor Liviu Mocan, which will be on display outside Great St Mary’s church on King’s Parade, here in Cambridge, from the unveiling on 23rd July to the end of the year. The five brass sculptures are inspired by the five solas of the Reformation (sola scriptura, sola gratia, solus Christus, soli Deo gloria, and sola…

Azul Wasi concert – a huge thank you

The Azul Wasi concert raised £1,876, (including the Gift Aid that will be added).  A huge thank you to everyone who took part to make this such a wonderful celebration of our connection with Azul Wasi (and of Chris’s birthday!).  If you would like to read about the project or sign up for the twice-yearly Newsletter,…

Christian Aid Week fund-raising – A BIG THANK YOU

A BIG THANK YOU to all the contributors,collectors, helpers and breakfasters who made our Christian Aid Week fund-raising so successful, netting a record £1,941. The mainstay is still the door-to-door collections which yielded £1,598. While a bit down on last year’s total of £1,815, it was more than made up for by the achievement of…

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Our Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be on Sunday 29 April.  There will be the usual chance to relive the past year through photos (please send any photos to Nick, (  The business part of the meeting will begin at about 11.30am and will include a presentation of the accounts, some backward and forward thinking…