Cantiamo! a youth choir based at Chesterton Community College will give a short carol concert in St Andrew’s Church at 7.30pm. Entrance £3.00 in aid of Azul Wasi. Seasonal refreshments. All welcome.
Cantiamo! a youth choir based at Chesterton Community College will give a short carol concert in St Andrew’s Church at 7.30pm. Entrance £3.00 in aid of Azul Wasi. Seasonal refreshments. All welcome.
You’re warmly invited to a Barn Dance on Saturday 25th November. The dance begins at 7.30pm and will take place at Shirley Primary School (Upper Site). Fen Blow will be providing the music, and there will be refreshments available. Tickets can be bought in advance from Pam Lumsden (01223 350550), or will be available on the door at £7.00 for adults and…
It’s with sadness that we bid farewell to Antje Schwartau. We’re grateful for all the help and encouragement you’ve been over the past year, and we’ll miss you greatly, and wish you every blessing and happiness.Antje can still be contacted at
Not many people know the RSPCA was founded by a clergyman. Issues of animal welfare remain dear to the hearts of many Christians. The Pets’ Service on September 30th was an ecumenical occasion, which drew local dog owners, who exercise their dogs on the recreation ground. We were also delighted to have three visiting PAT dogs (Pets as Therapy). Thanks to all…
On October 15th in Ely Cathedral Mick and Pam Lumsden, along with over 100 others, were authorised as lay ministers as part of a new initiative for Ely Diocese. These people are from parishes all over the diocese, and are ordinary Christians who have felt called to serve God in a specific ministry, such as music, pastoral, children’s work, youth or administration.…
The Umbrella group warmly invite you to a celebration of the poetry of John Betjeman. Selected readings will be followed by tea and cake. The event begins at 3pm, and no tickets are neccessary so do please just come!