This Holy Week and Easter, we have services each day – both online and in-person. Here is a brief overview: you can find more details in this month’s edition of the Chesterton Chimes, a copy of which you can download from the top toolbar of the home page. Links to services will be on the home page of the website.
You do not need to reserve seats for in-person services: just come along!
Monday-Wednesday, 8pm, YouTube: Reflections with Bishop Graham Kings, followed by a service of Compline
Maundy Thursday: 5pm Zoom Church, for families and children (link on families/youth emails, or requested from Hannah!); 7:30pm in church, Holy Communion followed by the Watch.
Good Friday: 10am, YouTube, All-Age service; 2pm, in church, the Last Hour.
Holy Saturday: 8:30pm, in church, Lighting of the Easter Fire and Vigil.
Easter Sunday: 8am and 5:30pm, in church, Holy Communion; 10am, YouTube All-Age service. During the 10am live stream service, you will be invited to come along to church to receive Communion if you would like (and find an Easter egg or two on your way home!).