We are looking forward to welcoming as many of you as possible into the church over Christmas. We are giving priority to those who are unable to watch services online, so anyone without access to the internet should please phone Linda this coming week to book a seat. To maximise overall numbers but keep everyone safe in terms of coronavirus health & safety, we will be providing several “large family/Christmas bubble” pews for the Christmas Day All-Age Communion service. If you are a bubble of 6 or more, please phone or email Linda this coming week (by Friday 18 December). When the large bubbles have been booked in, the seat reservation will go online on Monday 21 December for everyone else to book their seats.
There will also be a Communion service in church on Sunday 27 December, so we hope this will ensure everyone will get to attend at least one Communion service in church over the Christmas period. Both the Christmas Day 10am and Sunday 27 December 10am services will also be live streamed.
When coming to the Christmas services, please help us keep you and everyone safe by arriving in good time (at least 5 minutes beforehand, preferably 10-15 minutes beforehand), maintaining social distance and being prepared to queue outside as directed by a sidesperson.
Please note that our 6.30pm Christmas Eve service of lessons and carols will be live streamed only. Please do not come to the church for that service. However, the 11.30pm Christmas Eve Midnight Eucharist will be in church. There is no need to book, but please arrive in good time.