Many of our services during Holy Week are suitable for all-ages. Please join us at these times to reflect on the events of Easter weekend together:
Palm Sunday, 14 April
10.00am Procession of Palms in the churchyard, followed by Junior Church in the Hall
Maundy Thursday, 18 April
6.00pm All-age Last Supper at St Andrew’s Hall (Sign-up on sheets at the back of church)
Good Friday, 19 April
10.30am All-age Prayer Stations at St George’s Church
Followed by Procession to Chesterton Methodist Church
11.20am Drinks & hot cross buns at Chesterton Methodist Church
11.50am Outdoor service at Chesterton Methodist Church
Followed by Procession to St Andrew’s Church
12.20pm All-age Worship at St Andrew’s Church
Followed by crafts and refreshments in the Hall
Easter Eve, 20 April
10.00am Making the Easter garden in church
Easter Sunday, 21 April
10.00am All-Age Communion
Unless otherwise stated, services and events at St Andrew’s Church Chesterton, Cambridge CB4 1DT