SHAPE course. This Lent as a church we are running the SHAPE course, a 6 week course, which explores our experiences, personalities, abilities, hearts’ desires and spiritual gifts to help us explore what God might be calling us to, both inside and outside the church. The course will run in the existing groups on Tuesdays at 10.30am in the Hall, Tuesday evenings (20-30’s) at 7.30pm at the PJ’s and Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm at Sharon’s. Additional groups will run on Mondays at 7.30pm at the vicarage and Thursdays 7.30pm in the Hall. All the groups will start the w/c 25 February except the Thursday group which will start on 7 March. There will be a short reflective exercise to complete between each session. On completion of the course all participants will be invited to meet one of the staff team to discuss what the course has thrown up for them and its consequences. In order to gain the most from this course it will be important to attend as many of the sessions as possible (ideally at least 4) and to catch up with the exercise. Please sign up on the sheets at the back of church. For more information please talk to Kathryn or Nick.