Many people are asking how they can help in the current situation.
You may like to read what the Bishop of Ely has said.
You may like to watch this 4 min video from Krish Kandiah (London School of Theology and Home for Good):
He suggests these 5 responses:
- Prayer –
- Connect –
- Foster –
- Welcome
- Give –
You may like to donate to the Christian Aid Refugee Crisis Appeal.
You may like to bring food items (see following list) this Sunday to St Andrew’s or, during the week after, to St Andrew’s Hall. (We are joining with Cambridge City Life Church, who meet in the Hall, to provide a collection point.) Donated goods will be transported by the next convoy travelling from Cambridge to the refugee camp at Calais – see the Facebook page of the Cambridge Calais Refugee Action Group.
Items sought are: beans, rice, chick-peas, black beans, kidney beans, green lentil, tinned tomatoes, cooking oil, sugar, flour, cereal & fruit bars, peanut butter, jam, honey, biscuits, crackers, bottled water, fruit juice, tea, instant coffee, hot chocolate, herbs & spices (turmeric, chilli powder, peppercorn, coriander, curry, herbs).