The party on All Hallows’ Eve on Monday 31 October from 4.30 until 6pm was a great time for children and adults. Everyone came as his or her favourite Gooddie or Baddie. So we had a real mixture!
We started in St. Andrew’s Hall with different craft tables where you could make pumpkins and masks or just draw pictures to stick on the pillars. Also there was a table where you put your hands into different bowls with disgusting things in them and a play corner for toddlers.
After having refreshments we went to the Church. There we spoke about how we are all Children of God, even if on some days we feel a bit more like a baddie than a superhero or a princess… All the children got a white paper crown, so we were all different in our characters but equal before God.
We had a wonderful time and look forward to seeing you all there next year! Hooray!!