Lent is now upon us, and we can start to look forward to Easter. Keep Lent with us by doing one of these:
- Love Life, Live Lent – daily suggestions for action, for adults and children, booklets available in church
- Prayer Diary – daily prayer suggestions, in church
Borrow a book from the church library - Come to church every Sunday, 8.00, 10.00 or 6.30
- Go to a Lent group – Tuesdays 7.30pm details from Richard and Sarah Collins 241526
- Go to a special book group evening in the hall, Tuesday 20th March on Mission-Shaped Children, ask Mick to order you the book 350550
- Go to a contemplative prayer session at Chesterton House Wednesdays 8-9pm, details from Lorna 356243
- Book a spiritual check-up, details from Dorothy 523485